безотлагательно помогите пожалуйста , расскройте скобки1) I (read) a book every

Безотлагательно помогите пожалуйста , расскройте скобки

1) I (read) a book every month last year.
2) You (spek)English very well when i was a kid.
3) He (kiss) his mum every night when i was little.
4) She (wash/always) her hands before dinner when i lived with my parents.
5) The cat (watch) a TV showabout animals every day when it was just a kitten.
6) I (fix/always) the broken faucets in my house when i had no money.
7) You (study ) math at schoolwhen you were a student.
8) We (copy) the poems from our text book at French when we were at school.
9) They (play/usually) badminton in summer when i was free.
10) Bob (obey /rarely) the school rules when we were kids.
11) Jane (pass) the Englishexam every two years when I was a student .
12) I (mix/seldom) Romanian and English rules when we studied the laguages.
13)You (write/often) essays for Romanian when we were at school.
14) We (drink/usually) coffee in the morning when we had to get up early.
15) I (receive) letters twice a month when we were younger.

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1 ответ
1 read
2 spoke
3 kissed
4 always washed
5 watched
6 always fixed
7 studied
8 copied
9 usually played
10 rarely obeyed
11 passed
12 seldom mixed
13 often wrote
14 usually drank
15 received
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