Разделительные вопросы. При образовать: 1.Bill isn039;t wathing TV,2. You will send

Разделительные вопросы. При образовать:
1.Bill isn't wathing TV,
2. You will send an email,
3. They won't have a test,
4. Mum has мейд a cake,
5. Dad hasn't painted the fence,
6. Fiona and Mark have been to Paris,
7. My friends haven't had breakfast,
8. He worked yesterday,
9. They didn't go to school,
10. Dan can speak French well,
11. Peter can't play tennis,
12. He is a good pupil,
13. They aren't Polish,
14. You live in the USA,
15. She isn't drawing now,

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ
Is he?
won't they?
will they?
hasn't she?
has he?
haven't they?
have they?
didn't he?
did they?
can't he?
can he?
isn't he?
ate they?
don't you?
is she?

, оставишь ответ?

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