Написать письмо кому угодно на британском 150-180 слов про делему Загрезнение

Написать письмо кому угодно на британском 150-180 слов про делему Загрезнение городов стран пж помогите безотлагательно надобно экзамен по англ

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The most important problem , which we can get every day is becoming worth the planet. It is very necessary for our daily life. And I want to describe about it on the next paragraphes.
Firstly I would like to say that pollution on the Earth is the big dangerous couse of all illnesses and bocoming the end of the planet. A lot of people thtrow garbage to the streets, rivers and somewhere , which produce carbon dioxide and influence to the wheather, afterwards the weather influence to the popullation. Not only people but also plants take their garbage to the oceans or rivers. Which can be also a cause of illnesses. For instance,
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Ульяна Цухло
Тема Ковалихин
the illnesses which are borning in Africa is from this. In conclusion I would like to say that we must to fight with this problem. And firstly we must begin from us.
Чириканов Александр
Nowadays the pollution problem is starting to become the main problem for the humanity. People breathe polluted air and it can cause many deseases, so people become allergic. it is very important to keep the planet clear, so people mustn't destroy trees
Эльвира Запаленова
Вообшето я произнес 150-180
Кирилл Зелеснов
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Андрей Грустнев
Ева Антавиль
есть в моем профиле
там в сочинении примерно 150 а точно 145:)))))
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