ПЕРЕВОД НЕ НУЖЕНCompare the meaning of the words in bold type

Compare the meaning of the words in bold type with words of the same root in Russian

1. The(original) of Surikov's picture "Suvorov Crossing the Alps" is in Saint Petersburg. 2. Kramskoy is famous as a(portrait) painter. 3. Who is your(favourite ballet) dancer? 4. The(National) Picture (Gallery) in London is(situated) in Trafalgar(Square). 5. He is very kind by (nature). 6. What are his(chances) to take first place in the competition? 7. He is a(talented poet). 8. Everybody admires his(talent). 9. Just a(moment), please! 10. They have(arranged) an(excursion) to the(Botanical) Gardens for Thursday.

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1. original-оригинал
2. a portrait painter- портретист ( художник портретист )
3. favourite ballet dancer - любимый балерун (балерина).
4. national- национальный, gallery- галерея, is situated- расположена, square- сквер, площадь.
5. by nature- по нраву ( в данном контексте).
6. chances- шансы, способности.
7. a talented poet- одарённый поэт.
8. talent- талант.
9. just a moment- минуточку.
10. arranged- организовали, an excursion- экскурсия, поход., Botanical- ботанический.
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