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Frieda : I shall never forget , as long as I live, the day when I first set foot in London. I had come from a quiet little town in Switzerland and I had never before lived in a big city, so London was a new world to me and I was dying to find out more about it for myself.
The general opinion abroad is that London has fog or rain, or both every day of the year, but on the day that I arrived it was fine and warm, there was a bright sun and a cloudless sky. The next day was just as beautiful; there was a slight wind that gently moved the leaves on the trees, and you could smell the spring in the air. Life is grand, I thought, as I took Anthony, the little boy of the house, for a walk in Kensington Gardens. It was a straight road and I found the way quite easily. When I got my first sight of the gardens the beauty of it all nearly took my breath away. The trees were just bursting into leaf, fresh and green and lovely, and there were beds of spring flowers, red and yellow and blue, in the beautiful , smooth grass under the trees.
People in light spring clothes were walking about, and, to my surprise, they walked not only along the paths but also across the grass, and no one said a word to them about it. I had never seen such a thing before. We passed a pool in which ducks were swimming, a childrens playground with crowds of happy children, a figure of Peter Pan in bronze, more water with boats on it, and everywhere people people whose language I could not understand.
Well, it was time for us to go home; but which way was it? We hurriedly turned down one path that I thought would take us back and found ourselves in Hyde Park. My mind was quite confused now and I was rather frightened. I ran to the left and to the right and asked several old ladies for the way to Addison road, but I found to my horror that I could not understand a single word they said in reply. I wandered on till I came to a big open place where I saw men standing on a chair, or on a platform, or on the ground speaking or preaching, and people of all kinds were listening or asking questions or making remarks and sometimes laughing at the speaker. Other groups were singing loud and earnestly. Of course, I could not understand a word and was greatly surprised, but now I know this is the famous Hyde Park meeting; there is perhaps nothing else like it in all the world.

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1 ответ

1 Where did Frieda come to London from? (Откуда приехала в Лондон Фрида?)

2  Frieda had never lived in a big city before  she came to London, hadn't she? (Фрида никогда не жила в большом городке до своего приезда в Лондон, не так ли?)

3 What was the weather like on Frieda's first day in London? (Какая была погода в первый денек нахождения Фриды в Лондоне?)

4 Who was Anthony? (Кто таковой Энтони?)

5 Where did Frieda and Anthony go for a walk? (Куда Фрида и Энтони пошли гулять?)

6 Did she find her way to the gardens easily? (Просто ли она отыскала дорогу в сад?)

7 The trees in the gardens were just bursting into leaf, weren't they? (На деревьях в саду как раз появлялась листва, не так ли?)

8 Were there any beds of spring flowers in the grass? (Были ли в травке клумбы с вешними цветами?)

9 Were people in spring or winter clothes walking about? (Люди гуляли в вешней или зимней одежке?)

10 What surprised Frieda when she saw people walking in the gardens? (Что изумило Фриду, когда она увидела людей, прогуливающихся по саду?)

11 What else did Frieda see in the gardens? (Что еще видела Фрида в саду?)

12 Frieda and Anthony lost their way and found themselves in Hyde Park, didn't they?

13 Did Frieda understand the old ladies? (Фрида сообразила старушек?)

14 What were people doing in Hyde Park? (Что делали люди в Гайд-парке?)

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