помогите сделать задание по британскому Articles-A,an,or The1)....this is ...pen. ....that is

Помогите сделать задание по английскому Articles-A,an,or The
1)....this is ...pen. ....that is ...pencil.
2)Is ....this...your boo?-No,it's ...Mary's.
3)...my sister is ...doctor.She is ...good doctor.
4)We have ...car...car is new.
5)They have got ...friends.They are ...good.
6)He has ...dad. ....his dad is ...driver.
7)Do you live at ...Green Street?-No,l don't.
8)...that is...boy ...his name is...Nick.
9)They wrote ...test yesterday. ....test was difficult.
10)She hasn't got ...computer.But she has...laptop.
11)What ...surprise! lt's...so nice.
12)Peter lives in...Moscow.lt's ...big city.
13)For...breakfast l have ...coffee with...milk.
14)There is ...bread and ...butter on ....table.
15)There are ....parks in ...city.They are ....table.
16)Our ...TV is on ...Iittle table.-table is big.
17)Give me ...book,please!
помогите пожалуйста очень надобно

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ

1)....this is .a..pen. ....that is a...pencil.

2)Is ....this...your boo? - No, it's ...Mary's.

3)...my sister is a...doctor.She is a...good doctor.

4)We have a...car. The ..car is new.

5)They have got ...friends.They are ...good.

6)He has a...dad. ....his dad is a...driver.

7)Do you live at ...Green Street? - No, l don't.

8)...that is...a boy ...his name is...Nick.

9)They wrote a...test yesterday. .The ...test was difficult.

10)She hasn't got a ...computer. But she has. a ..laptop.

11) What a ...surprise! lt's...so nice.

12) Peter lives in...Moscow. lt's a...big city.

13)For...breakfast l have ...coffee with...milk.

14)There is ...bread and ...butter on the ....table.

15)There are ....parks in .the ..city. They are ....table.

16)Our ...TV is on a...Iittle table.- The table is big.

17)Give me the ...book, please!

Влад Агапчиков
Игорь Лайок
это точно правиоьно вы точно убеждены ?
Игорян Биловловский
верно точно ?
Вячеслав Верцанов
это точно верно ,вы в этом убеждены?
Никитка Зугаев
Не сомневайся.
Boris Pospeshnoj
хорошо ,спасибо
Эмилия Нафикова
где точки там - да?
Нелли Олихнович
Там пусто.
ну там надобно 0 или - ставить нулевой артикль
Aljona Gitalova
здесь почти ответов нету с иными артиклями
, оставишь ответ?

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