помогите сделать а то не могу понять как

Помогите сделать а то не могу осознать как

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Мишаня Юкелис
А,для вас читали какой то текст либо нет?
Лихорода Виолетта
Олег Рванцов
здесь есть верховодило но я его не разумею могу сбросить
Юрий Ханбиков
1 ответ
1 You haven't been to Europe, have you?
2 You'll be at home tonight, won't you?
3 She hasn't got any brothers, has she?
4 You went to London last year, didn't you?
5 Jane has got a new house, hasn't she?
6 You're twenty now, aren't you?
7 You aren't a doctor, are you?
8 We can dance, can't we?
9 Close the door, will you?
10 you haven't dinner at 7 p.m., have you?
11 It's hot today, isn't it?
12 I am good, aren't I?
13 Don't be late, will you?
14 There isn't a chair in the room, is there?
15 we can sing well, don't we?
16 They got bad marks, didn't they?
17 Let's go to the cinema, shall we?
18 We can cook, can't we?
20 He has got a bike, hasn't he?

1 You are French, aren't you?
2 Ben doesn't like fish, does he?
3 Sharon 's a good athlete, is she?
4 We will go to cinema, won't we?
5 You've finished your homework, haven't you?
6 Don and Kim went to India last year, didn't they?
7 Your brother can't swim, can he?
8 Mr Brown works in a bank , doesn't he?
9 John passed his exam, didn't he?
10 Your neighbour has got a dog, hasn't he?
11 Let's speak English shall we?
12 Bill rarely plays football, does he?
13 It is raining outside, isn't it?
14 They have never been to Greece, have they?
15 There is a desk in the room, isn't there?
16 You can play the piano, can't you?
17 I am happy, aren't I?
18 Don't cry, will you?
19 We usually ride our bikes, doesn't we?
20 There isn't a vase on the table, is there?
, оставишь ответ?

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