Помогите решить тест! Даю 25 балловВыражение деяния в будущем медли. Complete the

Помогите решить тест! Даю 25 баллов

Выражение деянья в будущем медли. Complete the sentences using will / be going to / Present Continuous:

1. I'm sure you __ the exam next week. (fail)

a) are going to fail b) will fail c) is failing

2. Начало формы

Don't touch that dog, it __ Начало формы

you. (bite)

a) is going to bite b) will bite c) is biting

3. Начало формы

What time __ Начало формы

tomorrow. (leave)

a) are you leaving b) will you leave c) are you going to leave

Предлоги. Put the right preposition:

4. Where have you been __ Saturday?

5. Dont forget to come __ school __ 8 a.m.

6. Do you know how to play __ chess.

7. Can she play __ piano?

Артикли. Choose the correct article: the/a/an/-

8. I would like to have __ piece of caka.

9. __ night is quien, lets take a walk!

10. He doesnt like __ milk.

11.Give me __ apple, please!

Условные предложения. When/if clausewish

12. What __ (do) you sister when she __(finish) the school?

13. I __(help) your brother if I __(be) free after school.

14. Nick wisher he __(be) at school a week ago.

15. They wish they __(come) here befor.

Tag-? Complete the tag-questions?

16. __ Anna, isnt she?

17. They dont like coffee, __?

18. your dad hasnt been abroad?

19. Her brother won the competition yesterday, __?

Present Continuous or Present Perfect Continuous. Fill the gaps:

20. Now Teds dad __(study) the life of sharks.

21. Lucy and Pat __ (learn) Spanish since their childhood.

22. Joho __ (spend) his holidays in New York.

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ
1 b
2 b
3 a (точно)
4 on
5 to, at (точно)
6 with (хз)
7 on (точно)
8 а(точно)
9 the(точно)
10 -(точно)
11 an(точно)
12 what does your sister do when she finishes the school
13 i will help your brother if i am free after school
14 would be
15 had come
16 Anna is clever
17 do they(точно)
18 has he?(точно)
19 didn't he?(точно)
20 is studying(точно)
21 have being learnt(точно)
22 is spending(точно)
здесь не все, и не факт что правильно, но все же
, оставишь ответ?

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