a) Read the texts and match them with the

a) Read the texts and match them with the
headings. There is one extra title.
Every family needs a homemaker. Whether this is the mum or dad, or part-time from both is irrelevant. In our family, we chose the traditional role for me to stay at home, but some families choose the reverse, especially if the woman has
the better-paid job. We have actually experienced both since I had to work full-time when my husband was мейд redundant and stayed at home for a time. The days when the person staying at home to look after the house and family was thought of as being quot;just a housewifequot; have long gone, especially now that there is a role reversal
and it is sometimes the man who stays home. Nowadays there is a lot of pride in being the quot;homemakerquot;. It is one of the most worthwhile careers and the rewards, although not financial, are great. The family benefits from quality time from one parent all the time.
So, after my first baby arrived, I felt for years that I had the perfect job. I was my own boss. I could work when I wanted and have a rest when I wanted. If I didnt feel like cleaning or doing the shopping and wanted to have a day off, that was fine. Nobody else would have to be asked to cover for me, my work could wait until I was ready to do it. Oh yes, it was hard work taking care of our home and our children and the hours were long, but the work was varied and very rewarding. In fact, being a homemaker was the perfect job for me. I was absolutely happy being a housewife and mum. Watching my children thrive, witnessing their first steps, hearing their first words and all the other milestones were worth more than any amount of money.
I stayed at home until the youngest started school and then I went back to work part-time. The extra money was very helpful but I found it exhausting coping with the house and my job. What amazes me is how people cope working full-time, looking after a home and bringing up children. I am surrounded by people like this where I now live. T h e y have big houses, new cars, fancy clothes, they refurnish every couple of years or so, take numerous holidays. But when are they actually at home to enjoy all this? From 6.30 am the cars start leaving. Kids are woken up at some early hour, then driven through busy traffic to be dropped off at the child minder. The parent then has to travel to work. What happens if there is a blip in this tight schedule? What if the child has a tantrum or the car wont start? Then in the evenings the process starts again in reverse. The kids are picked up from school where they are in an after school club, then put to bed almost as soon as they get home. Everyone is exhausted. Where is the benefit to all this?
quot;I dont know how you stay at home all day... I would be bored out of my mindquot;, was a comment I often heard when I stayed at home. Was I bored? Never! I mastered the housework so that I wasnt a slave to it. Obviously, there was the cleaning to be done regularly but it was the sharing of the tidying up that made the difference. My family learnt to tidy up after themselves and if there was a bit of accumulated dust it would wait until the end of the week when a day was set aside for a thorough cleaning. I established a routine for the necessary chores that had to be done daily, but if they werent completed by lunchtime, they were left until the next day. That way I had time to pursue my own interests and to spend time with the children as well.
There were financial downsides of course to staying at home. New clothes and regular hairdos were a luxury. Social outings were those which included the family, perhaps going for a walk in the countryside, or taking a picnic. Expensive meals in restaurants were way beyond our means and out of the question. After my second child my former boss asked if I would consider returning to work. The salary would have been very welcome but there was no way anyone was going to look after my children except me, until they were old enough to go to school. Money was less important to me than my family. Besides, I would still have to pay someone to care for my children.
b) Read the texts again and decide which text mentions that homemaking...
1 was easier than combining full-time work and housework.
2 prevented the family from having social life.
3 helped someone to pursue his/her own interests.
4 мейд someone very happy.
5 has become a worthwhile career.
6 gave someone much freedom.
7 is hard work with long hours.
8 made for a financially difficult period.
9 is beneficial for the family.
10 helped the family to establish a certain routine.

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b) Прочитайте эти тексты опять и решите, в каком тексте упоминается, что ведение семейного хозяйства...
1 было проще, чем совмещение полноценной работы и работы по дому.
2 не давало семье вести социальную жизнь.
3 подсобляло кому-либо заниматься его/её собственными интересами.
4 делало кого-или счастливым.
5 стало стоящей карьерой.
6 отдало кому-или много свободы.
7 являлось тяжёлой работой с длинным рабочим днём.
8 создало финансово тяжёлый период.
9 приносило семье выгоду.
10 посодействовало семье установить определённую функцию.

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