Health care service in Russia has its own good and bad

Health care service in Russia has its own good and bad points.
What can you say about the health care service in Russia from your own experience? (understanding relations within a sentence/drawing conclusions)
public health care -gt; private sector
Although Russia has a public health care service, we have a private sector, too.
Столбик 1:
the work of the public health service
central organisation of the health care system
central organisation of the health care system
the quality of the private health care
the quality of the public health care
physicians who get a fee for each patients visit
Столбик 2:
the shortage of money
cooperation with the private sector
compulsory medical insurance
high cost
free of charge treatment physicians on a salary

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Although Russia has а public health care service, we have а private sector, too. (Хотя в России есть система безвозмездной мед подмоги, существует также и приватный сектор)
Because of the shortage of money the public health services doesnt work very well (Из-за нехватки финансирования система здравоохранения работает не очень превосходно).
In spite of the fact that the USA is one of the richest countries in the world, it doesnt provide health care. (Невзирая на то, что США одна из богатейших государств в мире, она не обеспечивает здравоохранение).
Because of the central organisation of the health care system there is little cooperation with the private sector. (Из-за того, что организация системы здравоохранения централизована, меж ее службами и частным сектором фактически не существует сотрудничества).
Although the quality of the private health care is high, it has a high cost. (Желая качество приватного сектора высочайшее, стоимость тоже очень высочайшая).
Though the quality of the public health care is not very high, it provides free of charge treatment. (Хотя качество публичной системы оставляет желать лучшего, она предоставляет бесплатное исцеление).
Although there are physicians who get а fee for each patients visit, there are physicians on salary (Желая есть врачи, получающие плату за каждый визит пациента, некие доктора получают зарплату).
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