Liza, Jack and Andy are talking to their friends on the

Liza, Jack and Andy are talking to their friends on the phone. Listen to the dialogues and tick nbsp;true sentences.
1. nbsp;a) Jack and Ben will nbsp;play nbsp;football. nbsp;nbsp;_______
b) Jack and Ben will play computer games. nbsp;nbsp;_______
c) Jack nbsp;nbsp;and nbsp;nbsp;Ben nbsp;nbsp;will nbsp;nbsp;take nbsp;nbsp;part nbsp;nbsp;in nbsp;nbsp;the nbsp;nbsp;swimming competition. nbsp;nbsp;_______
2. nbsp;a) Andy has nbsp;come to Washington. nbsp;nbsp;_______
b) Andy visited nbsp;his nbsp;friend nbsp;in nbsp;Washington nbsp;last nbsp;week.
c) Andy nbsp;nbsp;is nbsp;nbsp;going nbsp;nbsp;to nbsp;nbsp;visit nbsp;nbsp;his nbsp;nbsp;aunt nbsp;nbsp;in nbsp;nbsp;Washington next week. nbsp;nbsp;_______
3. nbsp;a) Liza nbsp;nbsp;and nbsp;nbsp;her nbsp;nbsp;friends nbsp;nbsp;are nbsp;nbsp;on nbsp;nbsp;a nbsp;nbsp;school nbsp;nbsp;trip nbsp;nbsp;now.
b) Liza has been nbsp;on a wonderful school trip. nbsp;nbsp;_______
c) Liza is troinff to make a school trin. nbsp;___

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