Look at the characters. Which books are they from? Listen and

Look at the characters. Which books are they from? Listen and check.
Текст аудиозаписи:
Radio host: As promised, today were talking with students about their favourite storybook characters and those we love or hate. So, Sally, would you like to go first?
Speaker 1: Sure. Well, I love Dorothy from The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz, by L. Frank Baum. Shes a cute, young girl, with lots of freckles and long brown hair that she wears in pigtails. Her enemy is the Wicked Witch. Shes old and ugly, and she has a horrible, thin face - urgh!
Radio host: Thanks, Sally. How about you, Patrick? You like Bob Cratchit from Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol, dont you?
Speaker 2: Yes, I do. Bobs very poor and hes quite skinny because he cant afford much food. Hes in his thirties and hes a nice, blond man, but Scrooge treats him badly. Hes a nasty, elderly man. Hes thin and has a little grey hair, but hes mainly bald.
Radio host: Thanks. Now, over to you, James.
Speaker 3: Well, I love Peter Pan from the book of the same name by J. M. Barrie. Hes such a happy character, with a smiley face. Hes slim and he has short red hair. Captain Cook is always chasing him. Hes a horrible middle-aged man, with dark, curly, shoulder-length hair. He has a dark tan and, a beard and a scar on his face.
Radio host: He does sound scary, James. Now, last but not least, we have Mary.
Speaker 4: My favourite character is Alice from Alices Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. Shes very slim and pretty, with long, straight, blonde hair, and shes a teenager like me. Alice meets some really weird characters on her journey, like the Duchess. Shes big and fat, with a huge round face and she shouts a lot. Radio host: Thanks, everyone. Well, thats all we have time for today. Dont forget that next week... (fade out)

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Alice - Alice in Wonderland (Алиса- Алиса в стране чудес)
The Duchess - Alice in Wonderland (Герцогиня- Алиса в стране чудес)
Scrooge - A Christmas Carol (Скрудж- Рождественская песнь)
Bob Cratchit - A Christmas Carol (Боб Кретчит -Рождественская песнь))
Dorothy - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Дороти -Дивный волшебник из страны ОЗ)
Wicked Witch - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Злобная колдунья -Удивительный волшебник из страны ОЗ)
Peter Pan - Peter Pan (Питер Пэн-Питер Пэн)
Captain Hook - Peter Pan (Капитан Хук- Питер Пэн)
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