The pupils of a Moscow school are answering their London friends

The pupils of a Moscow school are answering their London friends questions. 1) Which question does each pupil answer? (listening for the main idea)
nbsp;What do you think about going to London?
nbsp;Whats your impression of the trip?
nbsp;What was your trip to London like?
nbsp;2) Which of the children is in London now? Who has been to London? Who is going to visit London? Explain why you think so.
Sasha: Its an exciting trip! We

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Несколько детей из России посетили либо собираются посетить Лондон. Воспитанники из столичной школы отвечают на вопросы их английских приятелей.
1) На какие вопросы отвечал каждый воспитанник?
Sasha answers the question: Whats your impression of the trip?
Natasha answers the question: What was your trip to London like?
Pavel answers the question: What do you think about a trip to London?
2) Кто из малышей на данный момент в Лондоне? Кто был в Лондоне ранее? Кто собирается посетить Лондон? Растолкуйте, почему вы так считаете?
Sasha is in London now. (We are having a wonderful trip in London.)
Natasha was in London last month. (I had an exciting trip to the capital of England last month.)
Pavel is going to take a trip to London. (Im happy that in March I am going on an exchange trip to London.)
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