Use you own ideas to complete the sentences. Use the past

Use you own ideas to complete the sentences. Use the past continuous.
Example: a) ...when I met my friend I was walking home when I met my friend, b) I had a very good time while... 1 had a very good time while I was living there.
1.nbsp; nbsp; ...when the telephone rang.
2.nbsp; nbsp; ...when she saw him yesterday.
3.nbsp; nbsp; ...when he heard the voice.
4.nbsp; nbsp; ...when they opened the door.
5.nbsp; nbsp; ...when it started raining.
6.nbsp; nbsp; The telephone rang while...
7.nbsp; nbsp; We wrote e-mails while...
8.nbsp; nbsp; He ran away while...
9.nbsp; nbsp; They had a very good time while...

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1 ответ
I was playing phone games when the telephone rang (Я убирался в комнате, когда зазвонил телефон).
Shе was talking to her ex-boyfriend when she saw ее yesterday (Она сказала со своим бывшим парнем, когда она увидела ее вчера).
Не was going to school when he heard the voice (Он шел в школу, когда услышал глас).
The dog was rummaging for the food when they opened the door (Пес рылся в поисках еды, когда они открыли дверь).
We were having a great time on the beach when it started raining (Мы хорошо проводили время на пляже, когда начался дождик)
The telephone rang while he was sleeping (3aзвонил телефон, когда он дремал).
We wrote e-mails while he was babysitting (Мы написали электронные извещенья, пока он посиживал с ребенком).
Не ran away while mother was cooking dinner (Он удрал, пока мать готовила обед).
They had a very good time while they were living in the country (Они хорошо проводили время, когда жили загородом).
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