The Douglases are going on a voyage,
nbsp;1) Where are they

The Douglases are going on a voyage,
nbsp;1) Where are they going to? nbsp;
2) Find out:
* nbsp;nbsp;what Clare asks about the voyage;1
* nbsp;nbsp;what Jay and Clare say about the voyage;
* nbsp;nbsp;how Clare shows surprise.
Clare: A voyage? Are we going on a voyage?
What a surprise! Are you sure?
Jay: Of course I am! And you should sometimes nbsp;listen nbsp;to nbsp;what nbsp;I nbsp;am nbsp;saying. nbsp;nbsp;Look, nbsp;nbsp;I
know Dad has bought tickets for the voyage
on board2 the quot;Queen Mary 2quot;*.
Clare: Really? But she* is a very expensive3 ship!
Jay: Yes, she is. We are going to the USA on this expensive ship.
Clare: How long are we staying on board the ship?
Jay: We are spending 10 days at sea. I think well relax and have
a nice time. I hope well enjoy the voyage.
Clare: What can we do on board the ship?
Jay: Ill swim in a swimming pool. There are 5 swimming pools!
And 1*11 make new friends.

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1 ответ
Работа в парах. Мальчики разговаривают о будущем морском странствии. Найдите их дискуссии.
Первый разговор:
We are going on a voyage.
nbsp;And so we are.
nbsp;nbsp;What are you going to do on board the ship?
nbsp;I dont know yet.
nbsp;You can take your swimming costume.
nbsp;Will I swim in the sea?
nbsp;No, in the swimming pool.
2-ой разговор:
nbsp;Will you go on a voyage?
nbsp;Sure, I will. I will be happy.
nbsp;Then we must buy tickets.
nbsp;When shall we do it?
nbsp;I think we can do it on Saturday.
nbsp;nbsp;Take nbsp;nbsp;the nbsp;nbsp;things nbsp;nbsp;you nbsp;nbsp;will nbsp;nbsp;need nbsp;nbsp;on nbsp;nbsp;the voyage.
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