Fill in the gaps with musty may, can or cant.

Fill in the gaps with musty may, can or cant.
1nbsp; nbsp; Helens dad is a fantastic cook! He knows so much about Chinese, Japanese, Italian and French dishes. He must be a chef.
2nbsp; nbsp; Jim knows nothing about engines and cars. He cant be a mechanic.
3nbsp; nbsp; Julian works for an international company. He says that no experience is necessary for his job and that he has to travel a lot around the city. He may be a message boy or something like that.
4nbsp; nbsp; Everyone in the hospital respects James. People say he is very good at operating on patients. He must be a surgeon.
5nbsp; nbsp; This woman is always very neatly dressed and she knows how to get along with kids. She may be a teacher or a babysitter.
6nbsp; nbsp; She wears awful make-up and has no taste in clothes. She cant be a designer.

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1 ответ
1 must
2 cant
3 may/can/must
4 must
5 may/can
6 cant
, оставишь ответ?

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