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nbsp;nbsp;These two positions are often referred to as

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nbsp;nbsp;These two positions are often referred to as the pull lt; and push theories of motivation.
nbsp;nbsp;The pull theory finds most of mans motivation in the environment, lt; in external forces such as rewards and punishments.
nbsp;nbsp;Any action a person takes lt; can be explained from several different points of view.
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nbsp;nbsp;The key difference is how man lt; is seen primarily.
nbsp;nbsp;If placed on a continuum from passivity to activity, the order of the three viewpoints lt; would be behaviorism, psychoanalysis, and humanism.
nbsp;nbsp;These two positions are often referred to as the pull lt; and push theories of motivation.
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nbsp;nbsp;The view that behaviour should be the sole subject-matter of psychology lt; was first advanced by the American psychologist John B.Watson in the early 1900s.
nbsp;nbsp;It can also be described without reference to anything within the body; lt; the green light is a stimulus to which you respond by crossing the street.
nbsp;nbsp;The three major psychological views of man - lt; the beha vioristic, the psychoanalytic, and the humanistic differ most importantly on the issue of whether man is to be conceived primarily as passive or active.
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nbsp;nbsp;If placed on a continuum from passivity to activity, the order of the three viewpoints lt; would be behaviorism, psychoanalysis, and humanism.
nbsp;nbsp;These two positions are often referred to as the pull lt; and push theories of motivation.
nbsp;nbsp;One approach to the study of human beings attempts to relate their actions to events lt; taking place inside the body, particularly within the brain and the nervous system.
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nbsp;nbsp;This view focuses on the observable behaviours of man; lt; that is, those factors that influence him in his environment and his reactions to these forces.
nbsp;nbsp;It can also be described without reference to anything within the body; lt; the green light is a stimulus to which you respond by crossing the street.
nbsp;nbsp;The pull theory finds most of mans motivation in the environment, lt; in external forces such as rewards and punishments.
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nbsp;nbsp;Traditionally the child must do tests lt; to evaluate mental development without help from others.
nbsp;nbsp;Vygotsky believed that school learning contributes something qualitatively new to the childs development, lt; that it stimulates processes of development which would not occur without it.
nbsp;nbsp;If placed on a continuum from passivity to activity, the order of the three viewpoints lt; would be behaviorism, psychoanalysis, and humanism.
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nbsp;nbsp;Though Piaget does believe the role of the environment in developing is strategic, he assumes lt; that the childs intellectual potential is determined biologically.
nbsp;nbsp;In other words, certain functions must mature and development must reach a certain stage lt; before the school can begin teaching knowledge and skills effectively.
nbsp;nbsp;In the relationship between learning and development lt; it is learning that lags behind.
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nbsp;nbsp;In other words, certain functions must mature and development must reach a certain stage lt; before the school can begin teaching knowledge and skills effectively.
nbsp;nbsp;In the relationship between learning and development lt; it is learning that lags behind.
nbsp;nbsp;The other two models of man, however, are gradually placing more emphasis on the importance of man lt; as the single most important determiner of his behavior in order to explain how so much of human behavior is initiated by man.
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nbsp;nbsp;One of the most influential schools of psychology abroad lt; is that of Jean Piaget, a most prolific writer.
nbsp;nbsp;He is considered by more and more psychologists lt; and educators to be Mr. Child Psychologist.
nbsp;nbsp;He was preoccupied especially with nature of cognitive lt; and intellectual development in the growing child.
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nbsp;nbsp;His theory affirms the development of new cognitive structures lt; in a series of age-related stages.
nbsp;nbsp;He believed that, although man may be at times an active agent in his own development and behaviour, lt; he is still basically what his environment makes him.
nbsp;nbsp;What is the most effective method lt; for teaching children to read?
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nbsp;nbsp;He is considered by more and more psychologists lt; and educators to be Mr. Child Psychologist.
nbsp;nbsp;He was preoccupied especially with nature of cognitive lt; and intellectual development in the growing child.
nbsp;nbsp;Any action a person takes lt; can be explained from several different points of view.

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