Complete the sentences, using the necessary prepositions. 1) The letters LA

Complete the sentences, using the necessary prepositions. 1) The letters LA stand ... Los Angeles which is a city ... California. 2) These goods are often advertised ... television. 3) The information about the Queen39;s visit to Europe will be broadcasted ... the radio and television. 4) Jonh is a citizen ... the world. 5) I39;ve brought good news ... you. 6) The famous writer gave a series ... talks ... our school. 7) The television adaption ... the play was very successful. 8) you can get this information ... electronic form. 9) The club was formed ... 1992. 10) Charlie Chaplin39;s films are full ... humour, but his humour is often sad.

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1) The letters LA stand for Los Angeles which is a city in California. 2) These goods are often advertised on television. 3) The information about the Queens visit to Europe will be broadcasted on the radio and television. 4) John is a citizen of the world. 5) Ive brought good news for you. 6) The famous writer gave a series of talks in our school. 7) The television adaption of the play was very successful. 8) You can get this information in electronic form. 9) The club was formed in 1992. 10) Charlie Chaplins films are full of humour, but his humour is often sad.
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