Напиши,что мы можем,а что обычно не можем делать на улице зимой

Напиши,что мы можем,а что обычно не можем делать на улице зимой we can t cook in the street. cook,speak russian,read books,sleep.ride the bike,see flowers,swim in the lake,sing songs,play computer games

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  1. We cant cook in the street in winter.
  2. We can speak Russian in the street in winter.
  3. We cant read books in the street in winter.
  4. We cant sleep in the street in winter.
  5. We cant ride the bike in the street in winter.
  6. We cant see flowers in the street in winter.
  7. We cant swim in the lake in winter.
  8. We can sing songs in the street in winter.
  9. We cant play computer games in the street in winter.
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