Unscramble the words.Then complete the sentences. Im Millie.Mollies my twin sister.We

Unscramble the words.Then complete the sentences. Im Millie.Mollies my twin sister.We like doing things together.We do usms (1) on oynamds (2) together.we listen to the csumi (3) on endeWydsas (4) together.But its yduSan(5) today.Mollies(6) and Im (7). My friend Octaves (8) a book.His brothers (9) in the river. Octaves a teacher. His pupils are (10) stars.

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Im Millie. Mollies my twin sister. We like doing things together. We do sums (1) on Mondays
(2) together. We listen to the music (3) on Wednesday (4) together. But its Sunday (5) today.
Mollies (6) singing and Im (7) skipping under the tree. My friend Octaves (8) reading a book. His
brothers (9) swimming in the river. Octaves a teacher. His pupils are (10) playing with stars.

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