напиши что ты хотел бы и чего не желал бы есть

напиши что ты хотел бы и чего не желал бы есть на завтрак обед ужин

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    I always plan my meals. I cannot eat the same that I ate before. Of course I have my favorite dishes and food that I do not like.


   I do not like heavy breakfast. I prefer some light snacks. It can be:

  • sandwiches with sausage and cheese. Especially I like hot sandwiches warmed up in the microwave. Also a glass of orange juice with sandwiches makes a good taste;
  • fried eggs with bacon and a cup of coffee;
  • boiled vegetables in sour cream with glass of cold water;
  • fresh fruits. My favorites are apricots, plums and apples. In summer time I like eating fresh berries like strawberries, raspberries, blueberries with sugar.

   In childhood my mother always prepared me milk porridge but I disliked it. So now I cannot imagine breakfast with some milk product.


   The first dish must be in my ration. It does not matter what kind of soup is. Second dish I change every day. It can be:

  • Boiled rice with stewed beef and cabbage salad with carrot;
  • Fried potatoes with pork cutlet and salted cucumbers or tomatoes;
  • Boiled buckwheat with chicken steak under tomato sauce and spiced carrot salad.   

   I never eat pasta. I dislike it. Even I am hungry I will never eat pasta.


   Almost every magazine of healthy says not to eat a lot in evening time. But I like eating in this time. I like cooking by myself for dinner. It can be:

  • Fried cauliflower with fresh tomatoes;
  • Boiled eggs with some sandwiches;
  • Fried beans with veal chop.

   After dinner I drink tea with milk. I do not like coffee because I dream very bad and have nightmare. If have not milk for tea I can eat chocolate sweets. Sometimes I am too lazy to cook and I go to caf or pizzeria. My favorite pizza is with mushrooms and sweet corn. The glass of tomato juice gives pizza more better taste.

I would like bread with jam and a cup of tea for breakfast. - Я хотел бы хлеб с вареньем и чашечку чая на завтрак.
I wouldnt like cucumbers for breakfast. - Я не желал бы огурцы на завтрак.

I would like tomato soup, pasta and some ham for lunch. - Я желал бы томатный суп, макароны и немножко ветчины на обед.
I wouldnt like mushrooms for lunch. - Я не хотел бы грибов на обед.

I would like salad and chicken for dinner. - Я бы хотел салат и курицу на ужин.
I wouldnt like omelet for dinner. - Я не желал бы омлет на ужин.

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