1.Поставьте последующие предложения в Past и Future Indefinite Tense: a)People want

1.Поставьте следующие предложения в Past и Future Indefinite Tense: a)People want raw materials. б)Civization increases mans wants to surprising extent. 2.Преобразуйте предложения в отрицательные и вопросительные: а)He goes to the library in the evenings. б)The boy is a very good volley-ball player. 3.Образуйте общие вопросы: а)They live not far from this house. б)You go to bed at eleven. 4.Местоимения стоящие в скобках,употребите в соответствующей форме: а)I dont know (they). б)Come to see (we) in the evening.

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1. Past Indefinite.a) People wanted raw materials. b) Cavitation increased mans wants to surprising extent.

 Future Indefinite. a) People will want raw materials. b) Cavitation will increase mans wants to surprising extent.


а) He does not go to the library in the evenings. b) The boy isnt a very good volley-ball player.


а) Does he go to the library in the evenings?  b) Is the boy a very good volley-ball player?


  1. а) Do they live not far from this house? b) Do you go to bed at eleven?
  2. а) I dont know them. b) Come to see us in the evening.
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