Задание 4. Воткните нужную форму глагола to be: am\am not, is\isnt,

Задание 4. Воткните нужную форму глагола to be: am\am not, is\isnt, are\arent.1. I am from Russia.2. Debbie and Mark British. They German.3. My friend is interested in computers.4. His parents around 40.5. Ann at home. Her children at school.6. How old you? I 18.7. London situated on the River Evans. It situated on the River Thames.8. Our students from different places.9. I keen on sports. But I rather good at basketball.10. Her name Jane. It Helen.11. I married yet. I single.

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1. I am/am not from Russia [am+not не образуют сокращенную форму наподобие isnt/arent]. 2. Debbie and Mark are British. They arent German. 3. My friend is/isnt interested in computers. 4. His parents are around 40. 5. Ann is at home. Her children are at school. 6. How old are you? I am 18. 7. London isnt situated on the River Evans. It is situated on the River Thames. 8. Our students are from different places. 9. I am not keen on sports. But I am rather good at basketball. 10. Her name isnt Jane. It is Helen. 11. I am not married yet. I am single.

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