Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
The Haunted Cellar
One day in 1953, a plumber called Harry was working in a cellar in York, England, when suddenly a Roman soldier on a horse stepped through the wall of the cellar! More soldiers then followed them. They were wearing helmets and they were carrying swords.
Then, Harry noticed that the soldiers looked very short because their legs were below the floor of the cellar! However, they then passed an area that archaeologists had recently been working on and Harry saw that they were walking on an old Roman road under the cellar. Terrified, Harry ran out of the house.
Later, Harry found out that some Roman soldiers had gone missing in York many centuries before and that no one had ever found them. Maybe these were the soldiers that he saw!

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1 was working (Past Continuous)
2 stepped (Past Simple)
3 followed (Past Simple)
4 were wearing (Past Continuous)
5 were carrying (Past Continuous)
6 noticed (Past Simple)
7 looked (Past Simple)
8 were (Past Simple)
9 passed (Past Simple)
10 had recently been working on (Past Perfect Continuous)
11 were walking (Past Continuous)
12 ran (Past Simple)
13 found out (Past Simple)
14 had gone (Past Perfect)
15 had ever found (Past Perfect)
16 were (Past Simple)

Одним днём в 1953 году водопроводчик по имени Гарри 1)работал в подвале в Йорке, Великобритания, как нежданно Римский солдат на лошадки 2)прошел через стенку подвала. Потом ещё несколько боец 3)проследовало за ним. Они 4)были одеты в шлемах и 5)несли клинки.
Потом Гарри 6)заметил, что бойцы 7)выглядели очень низкими, поэтому что их ноги 8)были под полом подвала! Тем не наименее они 9)прошли через зону, над которой археологи не так давно 10)работали, и Гарри увидел, что они 11)шли по ветхой Римской дороге, которая проходила под подвалом. Напуганный, Гарри 12)выбежал из дома.
Позднее Гарри 13)узнал, что несколько Римских боец 14)пропали в Йорке много веков до этого, и никто никогда их 15)не нашёл. Может быть, это 16)были те бойцы, которых он видел!
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