5. Use the sentences (a-e) to complete the dialogue. a. That39;s

5. Use the sentences (a-e) to complete the dialogue. a. That39;s too bad. d. Really? What happened? b. Wow! That39;s fantastic. e. What does his new job involve? c. How does he like his new job? Pat: Guess what! I39;ve got some great news. Sue: 4)............................................................... Sue: 1)............................................................. Pat: He loves it, but the pay isn39;t really that good. Pat: My brother got a new job last week. Sue: 5)............................................................... Is he disappointed? Sue: 2)............................................................. Pat: No, he39;s very optimistic that he39;ll get a pay rise in the near future. Pat: Yes, he works for a company as a computer programmer. Sue: That39;s great. Sue: 3)............................................................... Pat: Well, he creates software for the company.

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Pat: Guess what! Ive got some great news.
Sue: d. Really? What happened?
Pat: My brother got a new job last week.
Sue: b. Wow! Thats fantastic.
Pat: Yes, he works for a company as a computer programmer.
Sue: e. What does his new job involve?
Pat: Well, he creates software for the company.
Sue: c. How does he like his new job?
Pat: He loves it, but the pay isnt really that good.
Sue: a. Thats too bad. Is he disappointed?
Pat: No, hes very optimistic that hell get a pay rise in the near future.
Sue: Thats great.

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