Replace the Infinitives in brackets with the Present, Past, FutureIndefinite Active

Replace the Infinitives in brackets with the Present, Past, FutureIndefinite Active or the Present, Past, Future Continuous Active:1. I(to meet) him when he (to go) to the railway station. 2. What you (to read) when I (to come in)? 3. He usually (to come) to the office at 8. 4. They (to watch) a new film on TV now. 5. I ( to do) this work instead of him tomorrow. 6. I (to do) it at 5 tomorrow. 7. Do you understand what he (to speak) about? 8. They (to leave) for London tonight. 9. It (to rain) all day yesterday. 10. I (to study) English from 10 till 12 tomorrow. 11. They (to live) in Saratov two years ago. 12. I (to see) him next week.

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1. I met him when he was going to the railway station.
2. What were you reading when I came in?
3. He usually comes to the office at 8.
4. They are watching a new film on TV now.
5. I will do this work instead of him tomorrow.
6. I will be doing it at 5 tomorrow.
7. Do you understand what he is speaking about?
8. They are leaving for London tonight.
9. It was raining all day yesterday.
10. I will be studying English from 10 till 12 tomorrow.
11. They lived in Saratov two years ago.
12. I will see him next week.

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